As some might have know that I have a clique since secondary school days and we are still sticking to each other until now.
Despite the lack of meet ups, despite the lack of daily communications, we still care for each other. No doubt someone in the group has left but we still bond like before, maybe even better.
Hence, no birthdays were never once missed throughtout all these years. We still make an effort to gather and celebrate the birth of our precious friends. It may be just a casual dinner, the presents are often late but our sincerity were never casual nor late :)
We may be on different paths of Life but still, a part of us are still gel together.
Their care and concern were never taken for granted and likewise, I believe that they never took me for granted as well.
Their care and concern were never taken for granted and likewise, I believe that they never took me for granted as well.
It was only 2 weeks ago that we met up for JH's & SY's birthday lunch. It was a casual one @ Nihon Mura and then a Wii session @ Terence's place after WC left for hostel. Too bad LM couldnt join otherwise the group will be completed.
There are 7 of us and each bithday celebration is a celebration of our friendship as well.
So, Cheers to all friends out there :)
Our food :D
sinful desserts
our guitar hero :/
Twinkle buffet-ing on momo's food and she's lovin it!
on each side of the table
The happy US
alright. That's all folks.
however, do check back for more :]
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